Get Involved

We are always looking for PTA Members to help support and sustain our work!

Membership would include attendance at a meeting (virtual), volunteering at an event, and/or supporting the group's goals in another way. There is a $4.50 fee for each member to support state and federal PTA activities, which will be paid for by the PTA's funds. So, membership is no cost to you, but it is an important investment in our school. The PTA is an opportunity to make connections with other caregivers, to have input into ways we can enrich the students' experience at school, and to appreciate our wonderful teaching staff. 

During the 2022-2023 school year, meetings are held on the 4th Monday of every month from 7:30 pm- 8:30 pm. 

To join the PTA, please email us at or complete the PTA Membership Form below.

To donate to the PTA, please click the button below or send a check made payable to CHECP PTA to the school at 71 Spruce Street.